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Sylvia's Sedgefield Blog

This blog will advise you when I add new pages to my website or update existing ones, post news to my Facebook page, share news from other related sites or to notify my visitors of some event taking place in our village or along the Garden Route.

If you wish to contribute to any of my pages or make any comments please do it through my "Contact Me" page.

Apr 05, 2024

Mandala Integrative Health

Mandala Integrative Health Centre  blog

In March 2023, a new healing space was birthed in Sedgefield called Mandala Integrative Health Centre. It's a dream Anuska Viljoen has had that's been more than two decades in the making.

The goals are,1. to work in harmony with nature co-creating with the intelligence and wisdom inherent in natural systems.2. To foster community values that respect all beings with a culture of compassion, understanding and acceptance.3. To aim to live lightly on the earth through sustainable practices such as organic gardening, renewable energy use and ecological building techniques.4. To provide opportunities for personal growth and transformation through workshops, retreats, and spiritual practices aimed at deepening self-awareness and awakening to one's true potential.5. To make it a collaborative venture to facilitate a New Earth vision of cohesion, order and harmony moving towards wholeness and optimum well-being for all - people, animals, and the planet.

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Jan 26, 2024

Historic Swartvlei Beach Cottages Restoration

Milkwood Cottage blog

The abandoned houses at Swartvlei Beach bothered a Knysna businessman every time he passed them to spear-fish at Gerickes Point.

Eventually, he tracked down the owners and an agreement was made for him to renovate them for use as holiday accommodation.

They could not have landed in better hands.Nic Kruger is an expert in restoring old wooden objects - it is his passion...

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Nov 19, 2023

Revive Sedgefield

Revive Sedgefield blog

In 2022, the newly formed Revive Sedgefield Team immediately set to work with enthusiasm, determination and resourcefulness to improve the rundown areas of the town centre.

Their first project was creating an indigenous garden around the J.G.B.Memorial Library and filling empty pots with flowering plants. The Team intended to create gardens wherever there was a viable space to present a welcoming face to residents, visitors and people passing through...

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Jul 29, 2022

Sedgefield Mosaic Art Project

Sedgefield Mosaic Art Project

Thanks to the inspiration of long-time resident, Di Young, the stalwart support of local entities and the dynamically driven local NPO, Masithandane, who was willing and able to grab hold of the concept and activate Di’s vision, Sedgefield Mosaic Art Project was birthed.

In no time potential crafters were found and trained and as the project took wings, artworks began to grace our little village and were being spotted all over the place. House numbers at residents’ gates, pot planters and larger commissioned artworks made an appearance in public spaces.

Besides the many private mosaic artworks such as mirrors, bird baths, plant holders, wall hangings, etc. there are currently 66 public mosaicked artworks (and more in the pipeline) that can be traced along a self-drive mosaic route around Sedgefield or a tour guide, one of the mosaicists can be arranged with prior notice...

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Dec 07, 2021

The Parrotts in Sedgefield

Noel and Pauline Parrott
It was by sheer chance, a school teacher, Pauline Ballenden, working at a school in Natal came home for the holidays to her parents’ house in George and decided to attend a formal social event, where she met an engineer, Noel Parrott from the UK, who had been posted to the Airforce Training School there for a short period.

It wasn't long before they fell in love and decided to get married in the middle of World War II although Noel knew his position in South Africa as an aircraft training instructor was temporary.

Not long afterwards, he was posted to Aden in Arabia and Pauline would not see him again until he returned to London in 1944 and she flew over to be with him…

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Nov 23, 2021

Thomas Dunbar Moodie

TDM's Town Plan for Sedgefield
On 14 June 1817, Captain Benjamin Moodie arrived in South Africa from the Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland on the ship, Brilliant.

As one of the forerunners of organized immigration to the Cape, he brought with him more than 200 indentured artisans to contribute their skills to the young, under-resourced Cape colony. They arrived in groups in three different ships during 1817.

The Captain first settled on a farm at Grootvadersbosch near Swellendam that his son Donald would inherit and eventually Thomas Dunbar Moodie.

One of 11 children, Thomas Dunbar Moodie would complete high school in George and study further to qualify as a Land Surveyor.

In 1926, he was appointed by Salmon Terblans, owner of a large farm between the Groenvlei and Swartvlei Lakes, to lay out a town plan for the development of Sedgefield…

Conitinue reading " Thomas Dunbar Moodie"

Sep 02, 2021

Poetry reminding me to Appreciate Every Day.

Surreal Beach Walk
When rocks look like islands and waves look like clouds – a photo that looks like a surreal beach walk.

It is so good to be able to walk freely on the beach again after it had been abruptly closed to everyone just before Christmas.

This covid pandemic reminds me constantly to be thankful for seemingly simple pleasures I normally take for granted. Sometimes it feels wrong to be happy and contented when I know many people are suffering and struggling to survive, living on the brink of desperation. I wish I had a magic wand that could put the world right.

I'm now so much more aware of many things to be grateful for daily – hot water, a warm bed, food to eat, people who share my life and care about me, a little adopted cat whose antics make me laugh and a home to call my own in this little town of Sedgefield.

Surrounded by unrivalled beauty. It bolsters my spirit and is food for the soul.

My poetry page reminds me of good times, ​that they will return and how, in difficult times, I have always found comfort and solace in nature.

Go to my Poetry Page

Aug 17, 2021

Sedge Ratepayers' Support for COP-Herotel Security partnership

Herotel Fibre COP (Community Orientated Policing) has reported that after a recent meeting with Herotel Senior Management in Sedgefield, they have willingly agreed to enter into a partnership with COP to provide additional resources to their ongoing efforts to keep Sedgefield safe.

Herotel will be connecting their fibre to certain community-owned cameras at no extra charge which will assist COP to timeously view specific cameras.

There are plans to have some of these cameras monitored through a security provider's control room. The fibre will assist in making the network more reliable for monitoring and 'after the fact' reviewing.

This partnership takes COP's community CCTV camera project to a whole new level.

Sedgefield Ratepayers Committee would like to say a big thank-you to Johan and COP together with the Herotel team for their determined commitment towards reducing crime and improving Sedgefield's security.

Jul 28, 2021

Colin Capon -International Celebrity Chef

Chef Colin blog
After Colin had completed 24 amazing years as a chef in the RAF, he had a wealth of experience under his belt. He decided it was time to pursue an independent career as a freelance chef.

Already well-travelled, and with many awards and accolades to his credit, his career went from strength to strength taking him to every continent except Antarctica and a good many countries on each of those continents.

His travels included several work-related trips to South Africa and on a number of occasions, his wife accompanied him. They found themselves falling in love with South Africa and after a few trips to the Garden Route, the area captured their hearts.

This led to a joint decision to buy a house here in 2005 with the possibility of making it a retirement option and so since 2010 we have had an International Celebrity Chef living in Sedgefield…

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Apr 30, 2021

Sedgefield Ratepayers and Residents Association

Sedgefield Ratepayers
Winter is on its way but there is a new spring in the step of Sedgefield’s Ratepayers and Residents Committee.

After an impressive turn-out at the belated 2020 AGM held in March 2021 due to Covid 19 restrictions, a number of younger, enthusiastic committee members, with fresh eyes and ideas of their own and those gleaned from personal knowledge and their relationships with people in their spheres of activity, have come on board.

It has allowed a few faithful long-standing members to be relieved of their duties and responsibilities. At the same time, it is invaluable for the needs and concerns of all Sedgefield’s different sectors of the community to be represented on the Committee so it can better serve its’ purpose for the town.

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Apr 23, 2021

Holidays in Sedgefield 1954 -1980's

In 1954 my grandparents, Gabriel & Lettie de Wet from Williston in the Northern Cape, bought a plot in Swallow Drive. They built a small cottage they called,

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Apr 18, 2021

Covid 19 Reflections

Covid 19
The mystery illness first came to light in Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei Province in November 2019. Dr. Li Wenliang tried to warn his colleagues on 30 December 2019 at the Wuhan Central Hospital that test results revealed he had contracted an unknown virus. He was accused of making false statements but on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID 19, a pandemic.

Speedily the emblazoned Sputnik shape of the Covid 19 virus was seen as a backdrop to our newscasters on all television channels where it took on the appearance of a monster killer. Yet in reality, it is not even the size of a pin-prick. It cannot be seen with the naked eye and can only be observed through an electron microscope. This type of specialised microscope can magnify a particle up to 1 million times.

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Feb 10, 2021

Invasive Carp triggers a Groenvlei Rescue Attempt

ISFM takkle Groenvlei Carp Invasion
On the border of Sedgefield's eastern side, is a turquoise green freshwater lake, Groenvlei, partially fringed by coastal dune forest on its' southern shores and fynbos-clothed dune on the slopes above. For several decades, the picturesque lake has been a favourite fishing spot for anglers and many fishing contests there, have been well supported in the past.

However, the common carp, an invasive species illegally introduced in the 1990s have been growing in numbers to the point of threatening this unique ecosystem.

After the 2017 fires destroyed Cape Nature's nets, the nets they were using to capture, remove and partially control the carp invasion of Groenvlei, the numbers multiplied unchecked.

In 2018, Johnny Snyman, a local Sedgefield resident of some 20 years, stepped in offering to use an unconventional method, his archery skills, to reduce the numbers...

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Oct 23, 2020

Gerry Stavros - A Man of many Talents

Gerry Stavros
Gerry Stavros with his wife and two children arrived in Sedgefield from Kimberley in 1983 to take over the Stop n Stay business and premises.

At the time it was an overnight motel with separate outside bedrooms, a dining room and a small tea-garden, a superette selling mostly basic necessities, and a room occupied by Standard Bank that opened for business in Sedgefield, twice a week.

Time has marched on, but Gerry Stavros continues to own it today although many changes have taken place over the last 30+ years to the small Sedgefield village the family first arrived at and became an integral part of. Gerry and Kathy have fully retired now but still own and manage the Forest Lodge Complex as many businesses continue to come and go…

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Oct 17, 2020

Lilith Seals

Lilith Seals
Lilith Seals has a long history with Sedgefield hailing back to 1950 when the family had their first holiday here. That holiday resulted in the family moving here permanently in 1953, as 3 of their children headed off to university but coming home to Sedgefield for their holidays.

The twins, (Lilith had a twin, Joan) were to inherit a piece of prime property on Kingfisher Drive near the river-mouth. Two houses were built on it, one for each twin and Lilith retired here permanently in 2007.

For the last few years, she has been a busy bee, since she agreed to be nominated as secretary for the Sedgefield Ratepayers and Residents Association. Now it has proven difficult to find someone willing to replace her…

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Jan 24, 2020


Take a nostalgic trip down Memory Lane with a little newspaper, SEDGENEWS birthed in the late 1980s. During its short lifetime, it served the small village community of under 2000 people informing them of local news and events until the early 1990s. During that period, the Sedgefield population swelled to 3000.

Many of the articles reveal similar concerns to those expressed today – the village charm disappearing, the loss of our natural environment, the lack of amenities, the challenges of unwanted developments, but then also the positives, the value of community spirit and appreciation for this nature-oriented beautiful place and the peace and contentment it engenders for those who enjoy living here…

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Jan 08, 2020

Swartvlei Campers

Swartvlei Campers - their History
Since the early 1800s and long before Sedgefield had its name on the map, farmers and their families in the area of Ruigtevlei, Elandskraal and further afield like Oudtshoorn, would trek for days by ox-wagon to gather at a place called Swartvlei, i.e. on the sandy shore of the Black River (called this because the colour of the sediment in the water made it look black) to camp for 3-4 weeks over the Christmas season.

The farmers were taking a much-needed break from the rigour and challenges of their physically demanding daily existence to relax and enjoy some camaraderie with family and friends on the banks of the meandering Swartvlei Lagoon.

They would indulge in simple pleasures, swim, fish and play "boere sport" on the beach and in the ocean behind the campsite. Although many had large families, social interaction was minimal in those early days because farms were spread out far and wide. There were no easy ways of communicating and roads were virtually non-existent.

These gatherings were an opportunity to experience a sense of community...

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Jan 05, 2020

Ensle Syphus

Ensle Syphus
When Ensle Syphus and her husband Matt retired to Sedgefield in 1979, it wasn’t long before they became involved in the small close-knit community.

When ex-mayor, Fred Hawkins discovered that she had been a high school history teacher and written a number of textbooks, he prevailed upon her to undertake the task of researching and writing the early history of Sedgefield.

He told her that existing records and documentation prior to 1968 had been destroyed in a fire.

Ensle was up to the task and got stuck in with enthusiasm and determination. She visited local libraries, wrote to the Reference Department of the South African Library in Cape Town and interviewed members of several pioneer families such as the Barnards, Elaine Watney, Bob Morris, the Robertsons, Mullers and others.

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Dec 13, 2019

Holmes -Talented Smutsville Artist

Holmes Smutsville Artist

Studio 42 is currently hosting a Performance Exhibition for local talented Smutsville Artist, Houghmordeen Jansen. It's called "Holmes at Home" since he's returned from a stint at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) where he achieved a diploma in Graphic Design.

Running from 11 to 20 December from 4 pm to 8 pm his exhibition includes, among many other paintings, prints and some originals from his "Sedgefield Collection".

The exhibition is also supported by some live music and a young troupe of Smutsville dancers.

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Oct 27, 2019

Rondevlei Learning Centre

Jukani Visit

Rondevlei Learning Centre is an off-shoot of the Wendy Immelman Foundation, ACTS (A Centre that Serves). Carol Van Zyl and Vinessa Van Rensburg have taken on the project of offering a number of children struggling to learn, an innovative “life skills curriculum” that allows them to find and explore their own innate interests and talents beyond those subjects taught in the over-crowded standardised government classroom.

Ranging in ages from 7 to 16 they are absorbing information easily and finding learning can be fun as they are being taught in this unconventional, practical and experiential way,

Exposed to all kinds of activities inside and outside of the classroom and interacting with different people, all kinds of animals and the environment, these children are blossoming as they are being encouraged to believe that the sky is the limit...

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Aug 11, 2019

The Knysna Seahorse

The Knysna Seahorse

The endearing Knysna Seahorse is the only estuarine seahorse out of nearly 40 seahorse species worldwide and it can be found in only three estuaries along the Garden Route in South Africa.

They are the Keurbooms Estuary at Plettenberg Bay, the Knysna Estuary and the Swartvlei Estuary at Sedgefield. It is also the only seahorse listed in the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red Data List of Vulnerable Species.

Locals need to be made aware of how endangered this seahorse is and be conservation-minded with the activities they pursue in the vicinity of its' habitat.

It would help too if SANParks erected a Knysna Seahorse Information Board on the Island or had prohibited areas demarcated around their eelgrass habitat.

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Aug 08, 2019

Meiringspoort Road Trip

Waterfalls in Meiringspoort

The physical drive through Meiringspoort will take you on a historical journey breath-taking in its magnificence as you travel along a road that twists and bends through a narrow gorge for 18kms with the ancient weathered cliffs of the Cape Fold Mountains towering above you.

The gorge is named after Petrus Johannes Meiring who came to live in De Rust, a farming community on the north side of the Swartberg Mountains around 1820. On horseback, he and some friends regularly explored the area.

Eventually, in 1848, he discovered a “bridle path” through the base of this convoluted mountain range. Thereafter he campaigned vigorously for a road to be built through the "poort". A very rough basic road was completed in 1858 but it was frequently rendered impassable by flash floods as it followed the same route as the Groot River through the Swartburg Mountains..

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Jun 15, 2019

Dr Anuska Viljoen

Dr Anuska Viljoen
Local animal lovers are fortunate to have Dr Anuska Viljoen, a veterinary surgeon, who is highly qualified and experienced in a number of different modalities relating to both conventional and alternative veterinary practices living right here in Sedgefield.

After qualifying from Onderstepoort in 1993, she completed a 2-year post graduate Honours degree in Animal Medicine, Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pathology while working for a PDSA in Soweto.

After that, she spent 10 years overseas gaining a broad range of experience at different practices.

During that time she extended her knowledge by exploring the merits of homeopathy, homotoxicology, veterinary acupuncture, Chinese medicine and crystal healing among others.

She returned to South Africa in 2005 with a powerful arsenal of techniques equipping her to provide a fully integrated veterinary service for all animals presented to her care...

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Jun 15, 2019

The Nepaul Shipwreck

Nepaul Shipwreck

An old story with a few extra bits to it that I’ve wanted to put on my website for some time but couldn’t find any historical photos until Sheila Cooper-Collins kindly agreed to do some drawings to illustrate the dramatic event that took place at Swartvlei beach, close to the river mouth on the late afternoon of 11 February 1850.

For 3 days and nights, people watched anxiously from the shoreline, helpless in the face of strong winds and gigantic waves that ripped the lifeboats from the decks of 546-ton cargo ship, the Nepaul and tossed them in splinters on the beach.

Nobody on land knew how many people were on board the luckless ship that had come into the bay near Gerickes Point and been becalmed for 2 days...

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Jan 05, 2019

Sedgefield Coffee Shops

Sedgefield Coffee Shops
It's also time for me to update my list of Sedgefield Coffee Shops. There has always been a good number of them and generally everyone has their own favourite.

Ownership has changed significantly in the nearly 12 years we have lived in Sedgefield and in a few instances, the shop itself has moved to a different premises. However I think I'm current with all of these and if I'm not you can let me know...

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