Important Numbers
In an emergency it's good to have all the important numbers in one place. Often in a panicked situation, our mind freezes so if we know where to go, where to look, we can get the appropriate help we need quickly.
NB: You can print this page if you wish and put it somewhere near your phone, save it as a PDF or email it to your smart phone. None of these actions will include the photos so you will have just the essentials.
Numbers for Rescues/Disasters
- NSRI Sea Rescue - 044 384 0211, 082 990 5955
- 24 hr Sedgefield Fire & Rescue - 044 349 2900
- Floods/Fire - 044 302 8911, 044 805 5071 (disaster management)
- Police Sedgefield - 10111, 044 302 6702/6703
- Police Knysna - 044 302 6608/6609
Numbers for Medical Emergencies
- Corona Virus WhatsApp Support - 0600 123 456 Emergency - 0800 029 999
- Sedgefield Paramedics - 044 349 2900, 044 302 8911
- Medical Emergencies - 079 598 7795
- Road Accidents - 044 302 8911
- Provincial Ambulance - 044 382 5613, 044 302 8400
- ER24 - 084 124
- Life Knysna Private Hospital - 044 302 5200
- Provincial Hospital Knysna - 044 302 8400
- Provincial Hospital George - 044 874 5122
- Poison Centre - 086 155 5777
- Dr Stander - 044 343 1943
- Dr Venter - 044 343 1278
Crime & Security Issues
- Community Policing & All Neighbourhood Watches - 074 506 7242 (COP)
- ADT Security Membership Inquiries - 044 343 1288/3074
- Suderkruis Membership Inquiries - 044 343 1248,
- Defence Classes with Quinten 2hrs a day for a week - R300 - 082 615 8201
Individual's Help Lines
- Women Abuse Help line - 0800 15 01 50
- Child Help line - 0800 05 55 55
- Aids Help line - 0800 01 23 22
- Lifeline - 0861 322 322
Numbers for Animals in Distress
- Snakes & Bird Rescue - Gill Thomas 044 343 2561, Wayne - 078 819 2946
- Small Reptiles (chameleons, geckos, etc.) - Sue Marsden - 082 601 6863
- Tortoise Removal prior to building - Mary Hunter 044 343 2448
- Simply Vets - Anuska 044 343 1730
- Knynsa Veterinary Clinic - 044 343 2959, a/h 044 382 1844
- Sedgefield Animal Matters - Jenny 082 452 1737 , Kirsty - 082 420 4825
- Dept. of Forestry and Fisheries - 044 302 6900
Other Important Numbers
- Report Water Leaks Knysna Municipality - 044 302 6331
- Report Illegal Dumping Knysna Municipality - Whatsapp 081 556 9374
- Report Water Abuse - Knysna Municipality - Whatsapp 080 998 7000
- Sedgefield Municpal Offices - 044 302 6500
- Honeysucker after hours - 044 302 8911
- Sedgefield Ratepayers Association - 044 343 2345
- Repairs to remote-controlled Garage Doors - Jaco Pretorius 082 444 4728
- SANParks boating permits - Thesen Island, Knysna - 044 302 5600
- SANParks - 044 343 2331 Jonathan Britton - 084 714 7793, 044 343 1302
- Sedgefield Towing & Recovery Service - 044 343 2765, 082 726 9991
- Computer Problems-Martin Dellagiacoma - 082 576 5038
- The Edge Community Newspaper for advertising - 044 343 2415, 072 516 4701